
CAS number. . . . . . . . . . .  7726-95-6
NIOSH REL . . . . . . . . . . .  0.1 ppm (0.7 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (2 mg/m3)
Current OSHA PEL. . . . . . . .  0.1 ppm (0.7 mg/m3) TWA
1989 OSHA PEL . . . . . . . . .  0.1 ppm (0.7 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (2 mg/m3)
1993-1994 ACGIH TLV . . . . . .  0.1 ppm (0.66 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (2.0 mg/m3)
Description of Substance. . . .  Dark reddish-brown, fuming liquid with
                                 suffocating, irritating fumes.
LEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Noncombustible Liquid
Original (SCP) IDLH . . . . . .  10 ppm
Basis for original (SCP) IDLH .  The chosen IDLH is based on the statement by
                                 AIHA [1958] that concentrations of 10 ppm or
                                 above cause such severe upper respiratory
                                 irritation that such concentrations will not
                                 be voluntarily borne [MCA 1968].  AIHA [1958]
                                 also reported that even brief exposures of 40
                                 to 60 ppm are dangerous for humans [Henderson
                                 and Haggard 1943].
Short-term exposure guidelines.  None developed


Lethal concentration data:

Adjusted LC50 LCLo 0.5-hr Derived Species Reference (ppm) (ppm) Time LC (CF*) Value ______________________________________________________________________________ Mouse Bitron and Aharonson 750 ----- 9 min 435 ppm (0.58) 44 ppm 1978 Mouse Bitron and Sharonson 240 ----- 2 hr 451 ppm (1.88) 45 ppm 1978 Rat Ivanov et al. 1976 407 ----- ? ? ? Rabbit Spector 1955 ----- 180 6.5 hr 578 ppm (3.21) 58 ppm
*Note: Conversion factor (CF) was determined with "n" = 2.2 [ten Berge et al. 1986]. Lethal dose data:
LD50 LDLo Derived Species Reference Route (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Adjusted LD Value ______________________________________________________________________________ Rat Gig Sanit 1970 oral 2,600 ----- 2,741 ppm 274 ppm Mouse Gig Sanit 1970 oral 3,100 ----- 3,268 ppm 327 ppm Rabbit Gig Sanit 1970 oral 4,160 ----- 4,386 ppm 439 ppm G. pig Gig Sanit 1970 oral 5,500 ----- 5,798 ppm 580 ppm
Human data. . . . . . . . . . . It has been reported that 10 ppm and above cause such severe upper respiratory irritation that exposures will not be voluntarily borne [MCA 1968]. Also, it has been reported that 0.75 ppm caused no symptoms in 6 hours [Flury and Zernik 1931]. Further, 4 ppm has been recommended as the maximum concentration allowable for 0.5 to 1 hour, with 40 to 60 ppm dangerous for brief exposures [Henderson and Haggard 1943]. It has also been stated that respiratory damage occurs at 10 ppm [NFPA 1978]. It has been reported that 1.7 to 3.5 ppm produces severe choking, 4.5 to 9 ppm is extremely dangerous, and 30 ppm would prove fatal in a short time [ILO 1971].

Revised IDLH: 3 ppm
Basis for revised IDLH: The revised IDLH for bromine is 3 ppm based on acute inhalation toxicity data in humans [Flury and Zernik 1931; Henderson and Haggard 1943; ILO 1971; MCA 1968; NFPA 1978].


  1. AIHA [1958]. Bromine. In: Hygienic guide series. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 19:349-350.
  2. Bitron MD, Aharonson EF [1978]. Delayed mortality of mice following inhalation of acute doses of CH2O, SO2, Cl2, and Br2. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 39:129-138.
  3. Flury F, Zernik F [1931]. Sch„dliche gase d„mpfe, nebel, rauch- und staubarten. Berlin, Germany: Verlag von Julius Springer, p. 538 (in German).
  4. Gig Sanit [1970]; 35(11):11 (in Russian).
  5. Henderson Y, Haggard HW [1943]. Noxious gases. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, p. 133.
  6. ILO [1971]. Bromine. In: Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. 2nd ed. Vol. I (A-K). Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, p. 211.
  7. Ivanov NG, Klyachkina AM, Germanova AL [1976]. Experimental materials on hygienic regulation of bromine and hydrogen bromide in the air of the working zone. Gig Tr Prof Zabol 20(3):36-39 (in Russian).
  8. MCA [1968]. Chemical safety data sheet SD-49: properties and essential information for safe handling and use of bromine. Washington, DC: Manufacturing Chemists Association, pp. 1-18.
  9. NFPA [1978]. Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 7th ed. Boston, MA: National Fire Protection Association, p. 49-65.
  10. Spector WS, ed. [1955]. Handbook of toxicology. Vol. 1. Acute toxicities of solids, liquids and gases to laboratory animals. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., p. 324.
  11. ten Berge WF, Zwart A, Appelman LM [1986]. Concentration-time mortality response relationship of irritant and systematically acting vapours and gases. J Haz Mat 13:301-309.

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